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the foundation of political philosophy in Iran-constitutional period

The foundation of political philosophy in Iran-constitutional period


Iranian Contemporary History No. 60


History Hall


  Publications   Count : 95
» On The Eve Of The Islamic Revolution (Records of the late years of Pahlavi rule)

The revolution took place in a country where, a little more than a year before, Jimmy Carter, had called it "Stability Island". But the events were so quick and wonderful that it seemed a volcano...

» Rereading Sheikh Fazlollah Nouri’s Newspaper

When the anti tyrannical, justice seeking and constitutional struggles of Iranians led by the clergy reached a peak, Mozaffaraddin Shah Qajar consented to issue the long wished verdict in August 5th, 1906…

» Shiite in Iraq, Religious Authority, and Iran

The History of Shiite in Iraq is more than any other point in the Muslim world, so that it can be claimed that the Shiite was basically formed in Kufa and then it has expanded to other areas...

» The Life and Struggles of Mohammad Bagher Tangestani, the editor of the South Daily

The present book is a collection of articles about MohammadBagher Tangestani, son of Lieutenant Ali Khan Tangestani whose family had defended the borders of the country against invasions of aliens...

» Iran’s Culture and Politics in the Age of Modernity (1921-1941)

The present study related to culture and politics in the first Pahlavi era, mainly relies on third World discourse of 1960s and 1970s in Iran, enjoying the east-west discourse of Frankfort school…

» Socio political Biography of Ehteshamossaltaneh

Mohammad Khan Alamir Qajar of Davallu tribe, entitled Ehteshamossaltaneh, son of MohammadRahim Khan Ala’oddowleh, Mozaffaraddin Shah’s chamberlain Mozaffaraddin Mirza, then crown prince. He was born...

» Security during Reza Shah’s period

The Pahlavi dynasty reigned over fifty years in Iran and throughout all these years, it tried to produce a philosophy to justify the establishment of its rule. To this end they tried to create a...

» The fall of constitutionalism: the political Career of Dr. Manuchehr Eqbal

The first term of Senate elections was held under the direct management of Dr. Eqbal, minister of interior. At that time shah had intended to use his powers to appoint Dr. Eqbal as an appointed member...

» Isfahan Constitutional House (a half century of Islamic awakening)

Subsequent to the bombardment of the National Consultative assembly by MohammadAli Shah, and the rule of a treacherous governor, Eqbaloddowleh Kashi in Isfahan, through efforts of Hajj Agha Nourollah...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 13, No. 49, Spring 2009

The Tsarist Russia; the Greedy and Aggressive Empire / The Old and long lasting Relationship of HosseinAli Baha and the Tsarist Imperialism / The British support of the Bahais during 20th Century...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 12, No. 47 & 48, Fall & Winter 2008

Bibliography of Babism and Bahaism / Imam Mahdi, the Twelfth Imam of Shiites and the Pretenders of Mahdavism / Bahaism, Losses and the Continuant Crises / Bahaism in Claims and in Practice / hosseinAli Baha...

» Some Pages of History

My memoirs cover forty years of my life, the hardships of life, education and some parts of political and religious activities of myself and some other friends and colleagues since late 1960s and mid 1970...

» The Memoirs of Saadollah Khan Darvish

I was born in the Kadir village, a summer residence place of Kojur, spring 1889, in a room called talar (hall) which was unique because of its …wood, ceiling and the doors. That was our father’s house which still remains...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 12, No. 46, Summer 2008

A Look to a Decade of Wiping off Constitutionalism / Truman's Point Four in Iran / Capitulation, Its Background in Iran, Its Abolition and Bringing Back Anew, Imam Khomeini's Response and Its Consequences...

» The British Policies in the Persian Gulf

The early British presence in the Persian Gulf goes back to 17th century. However, the political, economic and military importance of the region led to much more efforts on the side of the British in the Persian Gulf...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 12, No. 45, Spring 2008

The Institution of Shiite Authorney (November 1946-June 1970) / Dr. Manouchehr Iqbal's Role in the Holding of Elections for Two Parliaments: the Senate (First Term) and the National Assembly (16 Term)...

» Post Modern Revolution and Islamic Civilization

The four waves of Islamic Awakening have been discussed over in four parts. The overall dimensions of this intellectual historical question have been surveyed. Not only the author's answers to these questions...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 11, No. 44, Winter 2007

Rastakhiz Party's Recruiting Members / Political Relationships between Shiate Clergy and the Sultans; The late Imam Khomeini's views / Mossaddeq's Governorship (2) Azerbaijan / The Desired Land...

» Photograph House, Chronology of Constitutionalism

Nasser-ad-din Shah was very interested in photography, and played a leading role in the promotion of this technique and producing some photos of the time. His photos are sketchs of history…

» Records of Bushire Agency

Many great countries of world including the great Britain, Russia, Germany, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Ottoman Empire and the United States had legations in Bushire, and great merchants engaged themselves in trade...

» Once Upon a Time, in Iran, 1858-1887

The present work is a new happening in publication. The collection of various photos of old Tehran is included in it. The cover of the book is natural leather. This method is the first...

» Siraf Coins

Siraf, an Iranian ancient port of Persian Gulf has had a magnificent history. Its flourishment, commercial and cultural authority goes back to early Hijri centuries specifically fourth century...

» Roman Roland and Gandhi

Gandhi Ji trained the Indians for half a century and conducted their thoughts. We are not yet relieved of our defeats backwardness. However we learned many things from him; most of which remain still and has become a part of our...

» Constitutionalism in Southern Iran

In the midst of Constitutional revolution, the British Consul general in Bushire, Sir Percy Cox was one of the high ranking political and military figures in Iran. He served ten years of his mission as vice consul, political resident and...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 11, No. 43, Autumn 2007

The Military Invasion of the British to Bushire and the Resistance of People of the South / The Holy Shrine of Imam Reza in the Main Travel Accounts of Western Visitors under Qajars and Early Pahlavis/ The Exiles of Mauritius...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 2, No. 5, Spring 1998

The Bread Question in Tehran and Tabriz, From Constitutional Revolution to the end of the First World War / Second Pahlavi and some Elements of Archaistic Thoughts: A look to the Secret Documents Relating to the Commemoration of...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 1, No. 4, Winter 1998

1921 Coup and Iranian Sultanism / Scandal in Switzerland, some documents from Pahlavi Court Relating to Amir Houshang Davallou's Drug Smuggling / Land Reform: Practical Grounds, Necessities, Implementation, and Consequences...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 1, No. 3, Fall 1997

Conspiracy Theory or Secret Political Processes? / General Toufanian: A Review of his Part in Second Pahlavi's Rule / Explaining the History of Economic and Social Structures / An Interview with Shapoor Valipoor, the Ex-Member of...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 1, No. 2, Summer 1997

A Review of Freemasonry Role in the Iranian Contemporary History / Unveiling, Kashf i Hijab , Process and the Reaction of Rowhoniat / An Interview with Charles Essawi / Destruction of Documents of 1953 Coup in CIA Archieve...

» Quarterly Journal of IICHS; Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1997

Najaf Uprising against British Rule (1918) and Origination of "Association of Islamic Movement"/ The Strategy of Burned Lands/ Allameh Iqbal Lahouri and Abbas Aram: Correspondances / The Iranian Constitutional Revolution,...

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