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  The Strategy of Burned Lands, Einoddowleh, the British and the Development of Khuzistan 

Reza Rais Tussi


Although, the rivalry of the two superpowers, the Tsarist Russia and the Great Britain in the 19th century did not lead to direct colonialism in Iran, but it led to irrecoverable damages to this country. On the expansion of the British colonies in the India, the Tsarist Russia occupied some important parts of the north Iran and added them to its territory, in some cases through the cooperation of the local British agents. In the political balance which existed between the two powers, Iran was the interposing land between India and Russia. However, accordingly, the superpowers which were Iran’s neighbors were expecting opportunities to infiltrate in Iran.


The Tsarist Russia tried to make the northern parts of the country insecure and prevent the development of the agriculture in that part of the country, so that when they saw the time suitable, they could execute their plan for occupying the region.  The British observed the east and southern parts of Iran including the Persian Gulf, Khuzestan and Siestan as its specific area of influence, and no development plan could be carried out without its absolute supervision.


The rivalry of these powers led to the deterioration of state of affairs in these districts and turned them to “burned lands” in the first decade of the twentieth century.

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