
and Manifestations of Imam Hossein’s Mourning in Iran: With a Look to
Safavid Period

of Blood for Freedom

The Socio
political life of Ayatollaholozma Hajj Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Khansari

Contemporary History No. 56

Ashraf Pahlavi
[AA 11-5737]
Ashraf Pahlavi, head of royal organization of social welfare and the members of its board of trustees in their meeting with Mohammad Reza Pahlavi; 1. Abdollah Riazi, 2. Jafar Sharif Imami, 3. Jamshid Amuzegar, 4. Ashraf Pahlavi, 5. Manuchehr Eqbal, 6. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, 7. Alinaqi Alikhani, 8. Hadi Hedayati, 9. Manucher Shahqoli, 10. Javad Ashtiani, 11. Mohammad Safi Asfia, 12. Mostafa Mesbahzadeh, 13. Yusef Khoshkish, 14. Nosrattollah Kassemi, 15. Taher Ziaee