Institute for Iranian
Contemporary Historical Studies
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Photograph House, Chronology of Constitutionalism

Photograph House, Chronology of Constitutionalism 

By Mokhtar Hadidi, Research and Introduction by Farhad Rostami

Acknowledgements to Jalal Farahmand, Ibrahim Hadidi, and Hushang Jafari

Date of Publication; first Edition 2006

Number of pages: 60

Print run: 2000 copies

Price: 32000 Rials



"….It was hardly two years after the constitutional Firman that Iranian autocracy lost its patience with Majlis. As if these two couldn't tolerate each other. The newly formed Majlis stood against the court. This one couldn't remember such an unusual thing in its mind. Inexperience of this new guest and intrigues of the courtiers led to the failure of the movement…."