


Mirza Ibrahim Khan-e-Hakim-ol-Molk

Mozaffar-ed-Din Shah in official dress with Nasser-ol-Molk, Nezam-ed-Din Ghaffari, Ibrahim Hakim-ol-Molk, Amin Hozoor and Amir Bahador

        Mirza Ibrahim Khan-e-Hakim-ol-Molk, son of Mirza AbolHassan-e-Hakim Bashi was born in 1870 in Tabriz. He studied in Dar-ol-Fonoo-e-Mozaffari in Tabriz until 1888 and in the same year he went to Tehran and continued his studies in Tehran’s Dar-ol-Fonoon. In 1892 due to a cholera epidemic in Tehran, Mirza Ibrahim Khan who had accomplished his studies in Dar-ol-Fonoon, returned to Tabriz and talked about his desire to continue his studies with his older brother Nosrat-ol-Hokama. Finally, through the efforts of his brother he succeeded to get permission of the crown prince, Mozaffar-Ed-Din Mirza for the continuation of his education in Europe. Mirza Ibrahim Khan left for Europe in 1892 for continuing his studies in medicine of the University of Paris. His education took some years and finally remained incomplete.

     In the first travel of Mozaffar-Ed-Din Shah to Europe, Mirza Ibrahim Khan went to Austria to welcome him and afterwards he joined the attendants of the Shah. Then he returned to Tehran and as the pishkhedmat bashi (master butler) began his career in the Mozaffari Court. He made good progress and in 1902 in the second travel of the Shah to Europe, he was Shah’s special doctor. One year later, after the death of Mirza Mahmood Khan-e-Hakim-ol-Molk, the title of Hakim-ol-Molk was granted to him; But 4 months later because of ordering wrong drugs for the Shah, he was dismissed from his office and Dr.

 Mozaffar-ed-Din Shah Qajar in the second travel to Europe in Austria

Khalil Khan-e-Aalam-ol-Doleh succeeded him. Still Mirza Ibrahim Khan remained among the courtiers and in 1905 accompanied the Shah in his third travel to Europe. Mirza Ibrahim Khan-e-Hakim-ol-Molk was acquainted with the freemasonary thinkings during his studies in France and decided to found this organization in Iran too. Finally the efforts of him and his like-minded colleagues resulted in 1906 and in this year, the order of the establishment of Iran’s Bidari Lodge was issued by the Grand Orient Lodge of Paris. Being a constitutionalist, in 1907 with some other members of the Bidari lodge like Hossein Gholi Khan-e-Navvab, Mirza Soleiman Khan-e-Meikadeh, Sayyed Abd-ol-Rahim-e-Khalkhali, Sayyed Mohammad Reza Mosavat, Sayyed Hassan-e-Taghi Zadeh and Malk-ol-Motekallemin and some others, formed the National Revolution’s secret committee goals of which were campaign against the Constitution’s opponents, formation of Military forces and encouraging people by the preachers and through pulpits. The meetings of this semi-masonic committee were held every midnight in Mirza Ibrahim Khan’s house and before sunrise, the members of this committee would scatter. With the constitutionalists’ victory, the National Consultative Assembly (Majlis) was formed and Mirza Ibrahim Khan was appointed as a parliament member instead of one of the resigned members. He joined the followers of Taghizadeh in Majlis and was active in Azerbaijan Society which had radical views.

Mozaffar-ed-Din Shah and his companions in Europe besides the Britain’s Crown Prince.

      In the day of Majlis’ bombardment, Mirza Ibrahim Khan along with Sayyed Abdollah Behbahani, Sayyed Mohammad-e-Tabatabai and the other members escaped to Amin-od-dolleh Park and hid there till the night and in the midnight, in darkness and in disguise, they went to the French legation and south refugee there. Of his important measures, we may refer to his bringing out the documents of the Bidari lodge from Zahir-od-Dolleh’s house before the Majlis’ bombardment. He succeeded to transfer these documents to French legation with the aid of the other lodge’s member. After taking refugee to the legation for 20 days, he was forgiven and came out of there. During the Despotism, The minor he took lots of steps against Mohammad Ali Shah and joined to the conquerors after the conquest of Tehran. He was one of the 28 members of the high commission which had been formed by the conquerors for investigating the country’s affairs. Of its first measures were the appointment of the crown prince Ahmad Mirza to the reign, the formation of Relief Fund Commission for providing the immediate expenses of the country and formation of a commission for amending the financial affairs of the country. The commission also made some appointments, one of which being the appointment of Hakim-ol-Molk as under secretary to the ministry of Court. In the second period of the National Consultative Assembly (Majlis) He was elected as the deputy of Azerbaijan and this time also, with the cooperation of Sayyed Hassan-e-Taghizadeh, Hossein Ali-e-Navvab and Sayyed Mohammad Reza Mosavat established the radical Democrat Party. After 8 months, in ….    He resigned from Majlis’ membership and was appointed as the finance minister in the Mostofi-ol-Mamalik cabinet. But the period of his ministerial office was short and 4 months later, because of dispute between moderate and democrat members of the cabinet, he resigned from his office.

Mozaffar-ed-Din Shah and some of his companion in hunting-ground

He was also appointed as minister in the cabinet of Mohammad ValiKhan Tonkaboni and Samsam-os-Saltaneh. In Pahlavi’s regime, he was appointed as prime minister for 3 times and also as Majlis and senate’s deputy for several periods and he was also appointed for the some other offices. Mirza Ibrahim Khan Hakim-ol-Molk died in 1959 in Tehran.

        There is a collection of 600 documents and 290 photographs of Hakim-ol-Molk in the Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies.